Holistic Teachings Inc.

Essential oils and Chakra's - Level 1

Essential oils and Chakra's - Level 1

One Day


This unique and eye opening course will explain how plants can effect your magnetic field and how you can use them to balance the energy centers of the body and thus re instating a persons well being.
  • What is Metaphysical Aromatherapy
  • Chakras connection to human discord
  • Identify the primary functions of each major chakra
  • Learn how to recognise imbalances in the energy centers
  • Learn how plants and essential oils can open and balance the chakra's
  • Introduction to frequencies and colour.
  • Botanical chakra treatment
  • Theory and practical
  • Your registration includes your own booklet and chakra scan
  • 5 ceus

Distance Learning Course

Sylvan Lake and Red Deer training Location:   AB, Canada

March 11th        2018
9am to 5pm
July                   2018
9am to 5pm
$225.00 (Vancouver, BC)
October             2018  
9am to 5pm

Course description / registration form

Introductory Aromatherapy

October 2018
9am to 5pm

Essential oil and Chakras

October 2018
9am to 5pm

Space clearing level 1

October 2018
9am to 5pm

Space Clearing level 2

October 2018
9am to 5pm

Aroma Yoga

5 Days
TBA 2018
9am to 6pm
5 consecutive days
2 Days
TBA 2018
9am to 6pm
3 Days
TBA 2018
9am to 6pm
Long Weekend

Essential oils, Chakra's and Crystals  -  Level 2

Full Day


Learn to use a combination of vibratory tools to enrich your life and others around you, using essential oils, colour and crystals.
  • History of crystals
  • Learn to use vibratory tools
  • Learn to use 8 spiritual sprays containing essential oils, crystals, sound and more.....
  • In depth look of the complete balancing of the chakra's
  • Learn how the psychic body is the seat of all emotions
  • Introduction to Crystals relating to the chakr'as
  • Cleansing and programming your crystals
  • Opening and balancing the chakras using essential oils,colour,crystals and energy.
  • Theory and practical

For prices contactsusan@holisticteachings.com

The Distance Learning Diploma in Aromatherapy consists of four modules designed for students who prefer to study in their own time. The learning is based around the course notes supplied, background reading of aromatherapy texts and observation and performance of massage techniques shown on DVD.

The student will need to complete each module and the required assessments successfully before proceeding to the next module. Advice is offered at every stage of the course through contact with a personal tutor, enabling the student to produce a high standard of work. A qualification in anatomy and physiology is necessary before the Diploma can be awarded. The Anatomy and Physiology Certificate Course can also be studied by distance learning.

Upon successful completion of the course a Penny Price Aromatherapy Diploma will be awarded. Students are advised to take between 12 and 36 months to complete all modules, although students are not penalized for taking longer.

It is possible for a student to combine distance learning with in-house modules to comply with some accrediting body's requirements or simply to vary the learning environments.

The course is assessed by
2 ½ hour written examination in-house
2 ½ hour practical assessment in-house
150 hours of case studies
Continuous assessment by essay and assignment

Introductory Aromatherapy

Student space limited...register early

Course description / registration form

Clinical Aromatherapy Diploma Course Module 4

5 Days


  • Differences between plant medicine and orthodox medicine
  • Comprehensive study of common ailments, including those arising from care for the elderly, pregnancy and pediatrics, depression, special needs and massage with cancer patients
  • Olfaction and its psychosomatic effects
  • The properties and effects of 12 essential oils
  • Techniques for neck and shoulder massage and relaxation
  • 5 case studies and written homework should be completed before Module 5

Please note: Anatomy and Physiology needs to be acquired before proceeding with Module 4.


2 and a half hour written examination
2 and a half hour practical assessment
200 hours of case studies
Continuous assessment by homework and class work

Theory only Diploma

The Anatomy and Physiology Course

We are excited to welcome you to our prospectus on aromatherapy training. We thrive to only teach curriculum that we believe to be the best of the professional training standard available. We are committed to provide exceptional education on the safe use of essential oils.

Our Principal Susan Cossi, has undergone a rigorous teacher training program in the UK at Shirley Price Aromatherapy under the supervision of Penny Price which is recognized by The International Federation of Professional Aromatherapy. She is a Professional Practitioner with over 15 years experience in aromatherapy alone. Our tutors are enthusiastic and nurturing individuals and have extensive knowledge to share with you. Train with us and become leaders in the holistic field as a Professional Aromatherapist.

This course requires you to attend the first four morning of each of the in-house modules. Exact times will be advised by your tutor upon booking. During this course you will learn the full theory of aromatherapy, as detailed above, and be asked to complete any theory related homework before continuing with your course. Please note a theory only exam, business studies, first aid and anatomy and physiology is still required to complete this course.

Introductory  Aromatherapy
March  3rd 2018
9am to 5pm
March 10th 2018
9am to 5pm
May            2018
9am to 5pm

Essential oils and Chakras
May            2018
9am to 5pm
July             2018
9am to 5pm
October      2018
9am to 5pm

Essential oils, Chakras and Crystals
July             2018
9am to 5pm
September 2018
9am to 5pm

Powerful Space Clearing level 1
Saturday 11th
June           2018
9am to 5pm
Saturday 15th
October      2018
9am to 5pm

9am to 5pm

Advanced Space Clearing Level 2
TBA  2018
9am to 5pm

TBA  2018
9am to 5pm

Clinical Aromatherapy Diploma Module 1
5 days
TBA   2018
9am to 5pm
2 days
TBA   2018
9am to 5pm
3 days
TBA   2018
9am to 5pm

Aromatherapy Courses

Advanced Space Clearing  -  Level 2

Full Day


In this class you will learn about

  • Etheric body of the house (home) and how to heal it
  • The mystical body of a home and how it relates to a human physical body
  • The holiest of holies which is the center of the house or the heart of the house
  • Anointing and consecrating your home
  • Locating and balancing chakra's of the home using essential oils,alchemy sprays and other esoteric tools
  • Fire and Earth ceremony
  • Theory and practical

Your registration includes your own  booklet and complimentary Aura Spray.

Please bring a floor plan of your house (architectural or hand drawn) 3 Red envelopes with a coin in each.

All courses require a non-refundable deposit. Please see our booking information for further details.

Powerful Space Clearing Methods  Level one

One Day


The esteemed directors of The Sacred Lotus School of Feng Shui join Certified Aromatherapist and Meta-physician Susan Cossi for an enlightening day exploring a variety of space clearing methods. The Sacred Lotus School of Feng Shui is the only school in Canada to be a recognized Gold Level member school with the International Feng Shui Guild.

  • Clarify stale, negative energy and create auspicious chi in the environment using aromatherapy.
  • Create your own very high quality space clearing spray to assist in clearing and raising the energy in a specific area of your home, studio or healing room.
  • Explore methods of incorporating aromatherapy and traditional Black Sect Buddhist mantra, meditation and ceremony to create clear 'inner space.'

*Please note; all participants will be required to provide 9 red envelopes with a coin (of any denomination) in each for the BTB teaching portion of this course.


In collaboration with the Sacred Lotus School of Feng Shui Red Deer Training location: Red Deer, AB Canada

June 2018
9am to 5pm

Capa Course Dates 2018 Red Deer

The Associate Diploma in Clinical Aromatherapy Course consists of four in–house modules. Four are of 5 days each, plus home study and practice relevant to each module. In addition a qualification in anatomy and physiology is required (there may be exemption from the A&P modules if the student already holds a relevant qualification). A First Aid certificate is also required by the end of the course.

The minimum period for the completion of the Clinical Aromatherapy Diploma Course is 12 months: the time usually taken is 18 – 24 months. The maximum time recommended for completion is 48 months. To secure the practical and theoretical skills learned during the day, homework may be given to assist the students during the evenings of the course.

Comprehensive course notes and handouts are given out for each module. Treatment couches, towels, essential oils, carrier oils, and other aromatherapy products used during the course are provided. Textbooks, accommodation and food are not included in the fees.

Professional Aromatherapy Introductory Course

Full Day


The Basic Course is an ideal way to ascertain the interest and suitability to the aromatology field and is a prerequisite to the Metaphysical Aromatherapy Workshop.
  • What is Aromatherapy
  • History
  • About essential oils
  • How does aromatherapy work
  • 11 essential oils
  • About carriers
  • Plant science (basic)
  • Applications for health problems
  • What is an aromatherapy treatment
  • Blending
  • Theory and practical study.
  • Your registration includes your own  booklet
  • 5 ceus

Clinical Aromatherapy Diploma Course Module 2

5 Days


  • Comprehensive appreciation of body analysis for assessment of clients
  • Selecting and blending essential oils for a personal treatment plan
  • Choosing appropriate oils, creams and lotions for the aromatherapy treatment of specific ailments and conditions
  • Extended massage principles are demonstrated and practiced thoroughly
  • Introduction to plant families and therapeutic and physical properties of essential oils and their pharmacological effects on the body
  • Properties and effects of 15 essential oils are studied
  • Introduction to hydrolats
  • Hygiene, health and safety and professional practice management

15 case studies and 5 essays should be completed before Module 3.

9am to 5pm

Clinical Aromatherapy Diploma Course Module 3

5 Days


  • Specific techniques in massage including foot reflex massage.
  • Information on plant families and essential oils is expanded
  • Organic chemistry and essential oil components awareness
  • Toxicity, essential oil purity and safety
  • 15 carrier oils are discussed in depth
  • Allergy and substance sensitivity.
  • The properties and effects of 15 essential oils are studied.

10 case studies and 5 essays should be completed before Module 4.

Module 1

5 Days


Foundation level for all students - Attendance on the foundation module is enough for those who wish only to use essential oils safely at home, to help their family and to enhance their own life. 10 case studies and 5 essays should be completed before Module 2

  • Aromatherapy massage, its principles and benefits
  • The properties and effects of 12 of the most popular essential oils
  • Methods of extraction, storage and blending and the use of carrier oils
  • History of aromatherapy and massage together with the philosophy of holistic healing
  • Introduction to botany, plant cell function and photosynthesis

The Anatomy and Physiology course is a core unit for all courses and is IAM, IFPA and ITEC accredited. The in-house course is presented as a rolling program, enabling the student to start at any point. Also available as an Anatomy and Physiology distance learning course.

The in-house Anatomy and Physiology course costs $200 per day
The Distance Learning Course costs $900.00 for the whole course
Anatomy and Physiology Program includes:

  • Section 1 - Bones and Joints
  • Section 2 - Muscles and Movement
  • Section 3 - Circulation, Lymph and the Immune System
  • Section 4 - Nervous System and Hormonal System
  • Section 5 - Urinary System and Digestive System
  • Section 6 - The Skin and Respiratory System
  • Section 7 - Reproductive System, Structure, Growth and AgingThe days are taught by distance learning or in 2 and 3 day blocks in-house.

The in-house Anatomy and Physiology course is assessed by:
Attendance of the course - 50 hours contact teaching
Completion of assignments
1 hour written examination (ITEC examination is only possible after the in-house course)

The Anatomy and Physiology distance course is assessed by continuous assessment through essay and multiple-choice questions. The certificate will be either IFPA and/or School/Academy certificate.

Anatomy and Physiology Exemptions - There are many recognized qualifications in anatomy and physiology studies that are accepted by the Academy. If you hold a qualification already, please ask about exemption from further study in this area.

Aromatherapy Introductory

 June     2018
9am to 5pm

October 2018
9am to 5pm

British Columbia

Clinical Aromatherapy Diploma Course
Theory only Diploma

Penny Price Clinical Aromatherapy Course Module 1

Sylvan lake and Red Deer Training location:   AB, Canada

March   3rd 2018
9am to 5pm

March 10th 2018
9am to 5pm

May             2018
9am to 5pm
August         2018
9am to 5pm

September   2018
9am to 5pm

Penny Price
Clinical Aromatherapy 
Diploma Course

Course Schedule

Powerful Space Clearing Course   level 1